Patients’ voices during the Pandemic : Stories and analysis of rights violations and overcharging by private hospitals
Jagar Rugna Hakkancha Rugnache Hakka Jababdarya
private healthcare sector Patient protection_Dhaka report
Supporting patients or profits
A How-To Guide on Conducting Witness Seminars
Digital health: Access, Equity and Surveillance: 11th Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture
Punyatil Rugnansathi Upyukt Mahiti_Patient Diary
COPASAH HARPS Webinar report
Report on Satellite session_UHC- WHO COPASAH
Promotional Practices of the Pharmaceutical Industry Report
Witness Seminar Private HC Sector
Witness Seminar Journey of BNHRA PCPNDT
South Asia_Patients Rights and Private Medical Sector Accountability_Summary
Twenty Questions-Answers-System-UHC
South-Asia Learning Exchange Workshop-Patients Rights -Private Medical Sector Accountability
Module 4_ Khasgi Arogya Sevanvar Niyantranachi Garaj
Charter of Patients Rights & Responsibilities
Sarvansathi Mofat Arogya Seva UHC
Rugna Doctor Sambadhatil_Hakka V Jababdarya