‘Health For All’ movement through collective action and research
SATHI partners with civil society organisations to work on health rights issues, and facilitates advocacy at the local, district, state and national levels. SATHI’s rights based approach promotes the perspective that it is essential to make public health systems accountable and responsive to public needs, through organised and sustained public action, instead of looking for substitutes, or replacements for them.

Narrative Lab
Key Publications
Activating Spaces, Scaling Up Voices : Community-based Monitoring and Planning of Health Services in Maharashtra, India.
About Accountability Research Center (ARC)
The Accountability Research Center (ARC) is based in the School of International Service at American University.

Analysing Margins covid hospital Medicine policy
This study is a product of collective efforts by various persons who contributed during
the process.

Patient voices during pandemic Compendium
Support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiatives (SATHI) is an action-research center of Anusandhan Trust based in Pune.

Supporting patients or profits
Supporting patients or profits?
Analysing Engagement of German Developmental Agencies in the Indian Private Healthcare Sector