• मोफत/सवलतीच्या दरात उपचाराबाबत माहिती व मार्गदर्शनासाठी.. साथी हेल्पलाईन 94 22 32 85 78

Previous Projects

Social Accountability of Private Healthcare Sector Archieve – Previous Projects

Project Title
State Health Rights Resource Centre – Promoting Actions for Health Rights (Arogya Hakka Sahayog Prakalp) (SATHI Phase IV Project)

Project Period

April 2010 – March 2011

Donor Agency

OXFAM – India

Major new challenges have arisen, new spaces and opportunities have been created during the last two years both in Public and Private health care. Since 2005, we have entered a phase during which the emphasis of our activities has changed from making interventions at National Policy making level to utilization at the local level, of the spaces created due to the earlier policy interventions so that these policy-changes do not remain on paper. Hence during the SATHI Phase III Project we plan to concentrate more on strengthening accountability and facilitating implementation at the ground level in Maharashtra, MP and beyond, related to certain progressive, pro-people policy changes that have been achieved so far. We would continue to operate at the National Policy making level, to contribute to building continuous pressure for making further progressive changes and to prevent rolling back of pro-people provisions.

Specific objectives would be as follows-

  • Consolidation of health rights activities being done by partner organisations by continued development of grassroots work and alliance building at district level.
  • Generalised implementation of Community Monitoring in further districts of Maharashtra with value addition by SATHI team members; orientation of certain large networks regarding community based monitoring
  • Strengthened Health system and community support for selected NGO trained ASHAs and linkage between these ASHAs and the Community monitoring process
  • Orientation of activists in a few areas of Maharashtra regarding Patient’s rights in the private sector and regulation of the private sector.
  • Strengthened pro-people advocacy (in collaborative manner) on specific national health issues


  • Consolidation of Health rights activities in multiple areas of Maharashtra and Western Madhya Pradesh
  • Value addition to generalised implementation of Community Based Monitoring of Health Services in Maharashtra.
  • Advocacy and follow up to strengthen Health system and community support for selected NGO trained ASHAs.
  • Workshops for orientation of activists in Maharashtra regarding Patient’s rights and regulation of the private sector.
  • Inputs for pro-people advocacy on specific health issues at National level
  • Library and Publications

In the State of Madhya Pradesh-

  • In Barwani district of M.P., Health rights actions would take place to address unresolved issues emerging at the PHC and CHC level.
  • In addition to this, health rights action would be undertaken at the District level with focus on improving functioning of the District Hospital
Training of VHSCs in about 15 villages with focus on support to ASHAs and consolidating community based actions for health rights would be conducted.

Project Title
Establishing Thematic hub – “Patients rights and private medical sector accountability”

Project Period

15th July, 2017 to 31st December, 2017

Donor Agency

Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ)

COPASAH thematic hub – “Patients rights and private medical sector accountability” would strive to build a policy discourse and networks related to private health sector regulation and patient’s rights, with a focus on South Asia, though having relevance for low and middle income countries across the world. SATHI, a Health rights organisation based in Pune, India will anchor this thematic hub.